Charley & Mama

Charley & Mama

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jackson is 6 months!

Yesterday was Jackson's half birthday.... he is officially 6 months. It is crazy how fast the time has flown by. Since he has been so into eating everything that comes into his sight, I made him his own special Strawberry cupcake for the occasion. I was expecting him to dig right in, but he seemed pretty apprehensive.... like "Am I really supposed to be eating all this sugar, Mom?" It was too sweet.

Today also marks my 15th week of pregnancy! I guess since this is the second time around, I haven't been tracking it so closely and paying as much attention... because we are busy with Jackson, school, work, life, etc! BUT - the holidays are coming up, and the first week of January we get to find out whether we are having another boy or a girl, and then I think things will really start to speed up. I am feeling good and healthy and just excited to have a nice long holiday break! Jackson and Bryan are too. Next Tuesday we will be heading up to Tahoe through the New Year.... it couldn't get here sooner!

Jackson at 1 day old...... talk about time flyin' by so fast.....! 

Jacksie-pie gettin' into the holiday spirit for the Festival of Lights Parade in Los Altos =) 

December 7th - we took Jacks to get his first X-mas ornament at the mall

When I said Jackson has become quite the eater... I wasn't kidding. He literally will grab food out of my mouth now. My mom created a monster with the Ritz crackers....! They dissolve so fast, and when they do, Jackson starts screaming until he has a new one to replace his eaten cracker! Sometimes giving him a new one doesn't help though because he's so upset about the one he just finished.... haha!

And here's the little sweet heart with his special 6 month cupcake. <3 XO

Sunday, October 7, 2012

San Jose Rock & Roll Marathon

I finished my first half marathon this morning! 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 11 minutes.... I completed it in 10 minute miles, which was exactly my goal. There were a TON of people - at the beginning of the race when I was waiting in my corral, I was starting to feel like a cow being herded.... I didn't know how it was going to be physically possible to run among that many people! But, after the 1st few minutes it thinned out, and I was able to find my own path. Running among that many people definitely gives you a feeling of adrenaline that you don't get when running on your own.... I was in the zone! It was so worth it when I got to look over and see my family, and Bryan holding Jackson with a huge smile on his face over the side of the gate, right before crossing the finish line! Then of course we went out to a huge yummy breakfast at Hobee's afterwards! Here's to running a half marathon less than 4 months after giving birth to Jackson! Woohoo! I'll give myself a virtual pat on the back for that one =) 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Halloween.....

So naturally I will be dressing Jackson up as much as humanly possible. This is what I've got so far.......

My handsome devil - we ransacked Baby Gap for all of their adorable beanies.... they are just too cute to resist, and Jackson looks great in all of them of course.

The spooky spidey boy with his Tata......

3 months 4 weeks

Jackson is quickly approaching his 4 MONTH birthday.... holy crap! These last few months feel like they have just flown by, and Jackson is changing and developing more and more each day.

Latest and greatest in the world of Jackson:

  • He is laughing.... yes laughing! He giggles and lets out screams of excitement when we are bouncing around or laugh with him.... best feeling ever!
  • He is reaching out and swatting/grabbing his toys. It is fun to watch him stare very intently and then slowly start moving his tiny little hands in the direction of whatever it is he has his eye on.
  • HAIR GRABBING! and earring, lips, and nose grabbing too..... gotta watch out for the lil' bugger because he literally grabs on with a death grip to anything he can get his hands on!
  • He sits up in his little chair and bouncy seat by himself - we don't need to prop him up with pillows anymore. His back and neck strength are developing really well. 
  • When laying on his tummy, he really props himself up good on his elbows and takes a good look around.... I have a feeling he isn't going to be wasting much time learning how to crawl! He has become so active!
Jackson is also quite the party-goer. So far, he has been to 3 weddings, one of which was in Pismo Beach, 3 baby showers, and his great grandma Lilian's one year memorial (September 29th - a very special day for our family). Let's also not forget that at around 10 weeks of life Jackson made his first international trip over to the UK to see his Aunt Nicole graduate! He has adjusted quite well to his happy life as a Mendez-Merk! 

 At Brea and Todd's wedding 9-29-2012

 Helping Dad out in the garage.... #257!

 Our family in London - August 2012

 Jackson flying on Mimi's lap to London - August 2012

 Jacksy with Tata & Uncle Ry in front of the London Eye on the Thames 

 Grammy's cake 9/29/2012

Practicing Tummy Time 9/28/12

Hanging out in my diaper at Brea & Todd's wedding because it was so hot! 9/29/12

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 weeks, 6 days old!

Hey everyone!!

I realize not everyone is on Facebook, where I do the majority of my updates on Jackson, so I thought I would try and keep the blog current, and maybe post a few daily or weekly pictures for everyone. 

Jackson is doing GREAT. I seriously do not know how it is possible for him to keep getting cuter by the day, but he sure does..... it's CRAZY! The last time we weighed him was at his 3 week appointment, and he clocked in at 8 pounds 5 ounces. I am thinking about taking the little chunk down to the DayOne Center today for a weigh in.... I'm thinking he's 9+ by now. The little guy is thriving.... his little neck is so strong and he's doing such a good job holding it up all on his own. He is grabbing onto fingers, and follows our voices and faces with his eyes. We are also making sure to get him on his tummy for some tummy time at least once a day, so he can strengthen his back muscles. He is now sleeping all by himself in his big boy crib in his own room, which is giving us about 2-3 hours of sleep at a time -which is GREAT. Bryan and I are both starting to feel more normal again and like we are a bit more rested. 

Little Jackson has spent most of the first four weeks of his life in Tahoe up in the mountains in the fresh air. He loves our "Serenity" cabin.... maybe that is why he is such a happy and peaceful baby!! =) He has gone on all sorts of outings so far in his short few weeks - to the communication hill stairs, hiking, walking down LakeShore Blvd in Tahoe, to dinners at the Country Club, to sushi, and strolling downtown Los Gatos, to name a few!! <3

Monday, May 21, 2012

37 weeks!

Tomorrow marks our 37th week!! Only 21 days to go until Jackson's supposed arrival....technically it could be anywhere from NOW up until 31 more days..... which I don't think I could handle! I am getting so tired and restless - especially in the evenings. A couple nights ago was by far the WORST night I have had - I was up until 4:30am, and then was only able to sleep until 7. Needless to say, I was quite upset and frustrated. Tossing and turning all night is definitely not how I hope to spend my next 21 nights.

I have been relaxing up in Tahoe since Thursday, and will be coming home tomorrow. I have decided to have something fun planned for each week to help the time pass and to keep my mind away from just WAITING. This upcoming weekend Bryan and I are headed to Monterey for the California Roots Festival - a reggae music festival that we've both been looking forward to. Bryan also booked a nice hotel for us - I foresee a possible spa day in my near future!? <3

Our check ups have been going super! Dr. Azad reassured us at our 36 week check-up that all looks good. We did the Group B strep test, which tests for an infection in the mother - (it is not serious and I would be given antibiotics in labor if I test positive) - but I have not heard anything about the results. We are supposed to be seeing Dr. Azad weekly, but this week she is out of town, so our next appointment will be next week at 38 weeks, and then each week following until Jackson decides to come out..... so hopefully not many more =) I secretly wish he would bless me with his presence tomorrow, but I am working on being patient just in case he stays cozy in there all the way up until June 12th, or later (GASP!).

In the mean time, I have been making some purchases here and there to complete Jackson's room, and to keep myself entertained =) Bryan set up the new bassinet co-sleeper that my Poppa bought for us, I ordered him a new bookshelf from Pottery Barn, and also added a few new items to the little man's wardrobe! I also picked out a birth announcement that I like - only thing missing is Jackson's cute little face to put on there! Something else that is exciting is Jackson now has a new, safe car to drive around in - bye bye Prius. His grandparents were nice enough to ensure that he will be driving around in safety, and style. XO,

Mel & Bry

Jackson's New Shelf =) 

1st 4th of July outfit - came in newborn size! Tahoe here we come! 

Belly at 37 weeks 

Owl swaddle sack - can't wait to see him in this:

Jackson's new stylish ride:

Jackson's older sister Lacie..... stroller life:

Bry playing with his niece and Jackson's sweet cousin Katelyn!:

37 Week Update from

How your baby's growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
See what your baby looks like this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

How your life's changing

    Braxton Hicks contractions may be coming more frequently now and may last longer and be more uncomfortable. You might also notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you see some "bloody show" (mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood) in the toilet or in your undies, labor is probably a few days away — or less. (If you have heavier spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.) 
    Also be sure to ask your caregiver about the results of your Group B strep culture. That way, if the result isn't yet on your chart when you get to the hospital or birth center, you'll be able to give the staff there a timely heads-up if you need antibiotics.

     It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. If you can, take it easy through the day — this may be your last chance to do so for quite a while. Keep monitoring your baby's movements, too, and let your caregiver know immediately if you notice a decrease. Though her quarters are getting cozy, she should still be as active as before.
    While you're sleeping, you're likely to have someintense dreams. Anxiety both about labor and about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange flights of unconscious fancy.

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    33 weeks and countin'!!!!!!

    Hey everyone.... sorry it's been a few weeks since the last update! We are now at 33 weeks - CRAZY - and only have 50 DAYS LEFT...... insane! Everything is coming up so quickly, and I'm not quite sure where the time went!

    What have we been up to the last four weeks? Bryan and I have both been busy with school - he is coming to a close on his program and will be turning out in June - I believe his last final is 2 days after our due date. My program is year-round and will go throughout the summer every Wednesday night, but I've spoken to my summer teachers, and they are willing and ready to work with me on missing a few classes and making up the work. Other than that, we have just been relaxing at home, and slowly getting things ready for the baby. I also have been helping my mom with some of the fun details of the shower - decoration ideas and dessert table =) The shower is coming up this weekend and I am VERY excited!!! Hopefully this beautiful weather that we have had will continue on for the party!

    All of our doctor appointments have gone well. I had my 32 week check up - and everything is great. I have gained one more pound, and Dr. Azad said that I will probably gain a total of 4 more - a half a pound a week. Hopefully thats IT! Ha! We talked about the birth and discussed pain medication, and I felt really comfortable with her views and attitudes about the birth process. Her cesarean rates in her private office are only at 2% overall, and she seems to have a very patient attitude about just letting things happen on their own time, so that made me happy. Overall I feel good, am healthy, and am excited!

    Below are the photos from the maternity session that we did with my friend Kristen. These are just 3 of my favorites. I think all together we took around 485 photos - so she still has a lot of editing to do. I might have a few printed and put out for the shower =)

    Hanging by the pool with the ladies this last Friday when we had 90 degree weather.
    Bryan and I went hiking in Big Sur yesterday. There weather was freezing! We were going to go and eat at Nepenthe and get some yummy sandwiches, but it was so overcast we wouldn't be able to enjoy the beautiful view - so we went into Carmel and had a good breakfast at the famous Katy's Place instead. Yum!

    How your baby's growing:

    This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
    See what your baby looks like this week.

    How your life's changing:
    Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
    As your baby fills out even more of your belly, lots of things might start to change: Whereas before you were sashaying, you may find yourself waddling. Finding an easy position to sit in — let alone sleep — is becoming more of a challenge. And bumping into chairs and counters is par for the course.

    You may be feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can retain fluid, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist.

    Nerves that run through this "tunnel" may end up pinched, creating numbness; tingling, shooting or burning pain; or a dull ache. Try wearing a splint to stabilize your wrist or propping your arm up with a pillow when you sleep. If your work requires repetitive hand movements (at a keyboard or on an assembly line, for instance), remember to stretch your hands when you take breaks — which should be frequently.
    Many women are still feeling sexy at this stage — and their partners often agree. You may need to make some adjustments, but for most women, sex during pregnancy is fine right up until their water breaks or their labor starts.

    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    29 weeks ..... we met baby Jackson this weekend for the first time... love at first sight!!!

    Hey guys!!

    SOO..... this week we will be 29 weeks on Tuesday! Holy crap it has gone by SO fast I can't even believe it! Everything is going so great and has been so easy for me thus far.... I am hoping that these last 11 weeks will be smooth sailing as well. Had our last monthly doctor appointment last week, and my weight was up 2 pounds from the last appointment 6 weeks before...... BIG RELIEF! After all my vacationing and ColdStone ice-cream in Hawaii I thought for sure I was gonna be in trouble! =) We have now started going in to see Dr. Azad (whom we have grown to really like and enjoy meeting with by the way) twice a month - really makes it seem like it's going by crazy fast! Cravings have been under control still.... only new thing on the menu is frozen grapes.

    On Saturday we went in for our 4D ultrasound and were able to see what the little Mendez/Merk baby looks like for the first time.... and he was SO cute!!! We got to watch him up close for about 45 minutes on the big screen - there was lots of stretching, yawning, and cuddling up to his cute little hand. He is already so sweet and handsome - he looks a lot like Bryan when he was a baby. Looks like he has about 11 more weeks to just relax and perfect his looks!!! =) The experience was amazing and made us feel so much closer to him, and also brought us to the reality that there will be a sweet little BABY in our arms in only 11 SHORT WEEKS!

    This week I am meeting with all of my wonderful aunts to talk about details for my baby shower.... which I am also very excited about! Other than that everything has been the same.... just working hard for the family restaurant and working hard to get my graduate program done. My classes are once a week on Wednesday nights - I will not get a break when the baby is born - hopefully he decides to come on a Thursday morning and then I won't have to go back until Wednesday night - but I figure that will give Bryan some great hands-on baby training and extra bonding time while I am away for a few hours on Wednesday! =) I know he will be great.


    Mel, Bry, and Jackson <3

    How your baby's growing:

    Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.
    See what your baby looks like this week.
    Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

    How your life's changing

    Your baby's very active now. Your healthcare provider may ask you to spend some time each day counting kicks and will give you specific instructions on how to do this. Let your provider know if you ever notice that your baby is becoming less active. You may need anonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby's condition.