Charley & Mama

Charley & Mama

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Being a mom.

Being a mom… where do I begin? I guess I have been thinking a lot about my role as a stay at home mother, not just simply a mom, a lot lately. Last night Bryan and I went out to a nice dinner, sans kids, and for most of dinner, I found myself talking about the kids! What can I say… they are my life, my proudest accomplishments, and the most important people/things in my life & world. They ARE my world! I think I am very fortunate in the fact that I am still able to go out on date nights with my husband, go to the gym several times a week, sleep at least 12 hours a night, get housework & cooking done, have a few free hours per week to spend time with Charley while Jackson is in pre-school part time…. and the list of blessings goes on. I feel in my heart that I am blessed and able to do pretty much all of these things because of the hard work Bryan and I have put into parenting our children and providing them with the structure and discipline we have to create what we have. We also, I think, were blessed with two very good little kiddos, who sleep through the night, eat well, and are pretty darn well-mannered for a one and two year old! Maybe I’m crazy… but I seriously do not think they are that bad at this age. Maybe ask me again for my opinion in a year or two! What I mean by this, is Bryan and I get alone time together after 7:30pm, to relax on the couch, watch movies, or just lay in bed and zone out together. This is something, I am realizing more and more lately, that many people with young children do not have. 

Back to dinner… I kept telling Bryan that I was worried that maybe I was doing the wrong thing with having a nanny come to help part-time, or that maybe it wasn’t the right thing yet to have Jackson in pre-school part-time, and that maybe I should be spending every minute that I can with the both of them before this third baby gets here. We went back and forth about it for a little while, and what it came down to, is that there is no right or wrong way in what we are doing for our children. What it came down to is that I will constantly worry that I am doing the right thing for my kids, and will always feel some sort of guilt when I am not or cannot be with them every minute of the day, because I am a MOTHER. Bryan doesn’t have that guilt. He can go about his work day, go riding at the track all day, then go to bed without having seen the kids, and I have never heard him utter the words “I feel bad for being away from the kids today.” Of course he misses them intensely when he does not see them, but the guilt is not there. I, on the other hand, am sitting in the waiting room at Kaiser, doing the gestational diabetes test for baby Colton, texting Bryan to ask how the kids are and if everything is okay, hoping I'm out of here within an hour so I can get back to them ASAP! Haha...  maybe I should stop for a coffee and a pedi on the way home! 

As a mom, we are always feeling like we could be giving more of ourselves, even if we are giving every last ounce of ourselves to our children, which we usually are! I usually end up getting frazzled and irritated by the end of the day, not because I am so annoyed that I had to do all of the cooking, cleaning, AND make sure our kids were happy/healthy/safe, but because I don’t like having to divide my attention among these tasks. I would rather spend all of my day with my undivided attention on Jackson and Charley, sitting on the floor with them, making messes, and taking part in every crazy little idea that they come up with. In reality, however, someone has to clean up after us all, do the laundry, cook meals, and make sure the house is in order too. And on top of that, I also like to be able to get the gym, so I try to squeeze that in before they wake up in the mornings, or at the end of the day. So it’s the never ending battle for me. Every time I leave my mom’s house, and see how she is with them, I think about how I can be more of a “yes” person like she is with her grandkids. Whatever they want to do, Mimi says “sure!” and off they go to visit Lulu or play outside on the playground for hours. The toys can be left scattered all over the living room floor, and she won't bat an eye. Of course, the missing puzzle piece is Grandma doesn’t have anything else to do BUT have fun with the little munchkins and let them do whatever it is they want to do for the day, until she brings them back home. 

There really is no answer here. I guess what I’m trying to say is being a mom is a difficult job to have, and there is no right or wrong way to do this job. I think we all try to do it with as much heart and passion as we can, and we just hope along the way that we are doing the right thing for our children, and for ourselves. Every night in bed I replay my day, and ask myself “Did I do the right thing there with Jacks?” or “Did I spend enough time with Charley today? Do you think she’s happy?” "Was I too hard on Jackson?" or "Do you think he's mad at me?" It really is funny to me that these two little munchkins utterly and completely rule my world! These seem silly… but they are genuine worries and concerns in my daily life. I consider myself extremely blessed and grateful to have my children’s well-being and happiness on my mind at all times. To me, that means that I am doing something right. Maybe I will never find the answer to how to do it all while remaining cool, calm, and collected, and with extra energy to do all of the things that I want to do, but for now that’s okay. It’s all worth it to me. And soon I will open the next chapter in my life, with adding one more precious little soul into my world, and I will be continuously finding another way to add balance to our constantly-changing lives! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happiness in 2015

I have a little down time, because Jackson is in preschool now three days a week, and during that time, Charley goes down to nap, uninterrupted, for almost THREE HOURS! I honestly had forgotten what it was like to have just one child to look after for three days a week, while making a third. Thank goodness for her happy, well-natured little self.... it has made all the difference and has given me the rest I have craved for quite some time! It has also given me more time to evaluate and re-evaluate what my goals and aspirations for 2015 are. 

I think it can be easy to lose sight of what's really important in our lives, when we are caught up going through the daily motions, with so much going on around us. For me, all I want is out of 2015 is....

  •  to be genuinely happy, and to continue to raise and build up a healthy and happy family.
  • to have friends that add to my life and want nothing but positive things for me and for themselves
  • more quality family time

That about sums it up. It can be so easy to get caught up in other people's negativity and the drama of what's going wrong in someone else'e life, but in 2015, I plan to focus inward and on how I can better  myself, and the relationships I have with my family members and quality friends. I will also make a conscious effort to no longer accept those people in my life who have been a drain on me mentally and emotionally. 

When reflecting back on the past year, I feel that I focused too much energy on doing things to make other people, or to help others who really didn't have my best interest in mind. That took away precious moments & energy of myself that I can never get back! I could sit here and be angry about it, but instead, I will move forward with my head high, with my goals & aspirations in mind, and a smile on my face! 2014 was a truly incredible year, but I know 2015 will have many exciting and beautiful things to offer me and my family. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Back in the gym!

When Bryan and I moved into our new home, we left behind a pretty sweet set up. We lived in my parent's guest house, and they had converted one of the larger rooms into a pretty deluxe home gym. That being said, getting to the gym while living there had become so easy for me. I literally never had an excuse, because when the kids napped, I would walk right into the gym and get it done, no excuses. Since moving into our new home, I found a gym membership at a nearby fitness center (2 miles away) that had a daycare for the kids, but they frickin hated it there. It was super small and always overcrowded, so I dreaded going to the gym, because I didn't want to have to drag them along and put them somewhere where they did not want to be. PLUS - hearing your kids scream while you do bicep curls is not exactly motivating!

So from after our wedding to about now (roughly 3.5 months), my gym attendance suffered greatly.  I did what I could with getting out for walks, workout DVDS, and free weights, but I have honestly just not felt the same since this decrease in activity. My energy levels have dropped (yes of course I'm pregnant AND chasing two toddlers around), my self-confidence took a little blow, and everything started feeling a little softer! It's incredible with 3.5 months of slacking off can do to your body! Needless to say, I was tired of this lack of activity, and did some research on home gyms. Bryan and I made an investment in a really nice piece of equipment by Body Solid, and set that puppy up in the garage!

 It was done being assembled last night, and this morning was my first opportunity to put it to use. And.... I LOVE IT!! It brought me right back to the days of having Jackson in his little bouncer at our old gym while I worked out and made funny faces at him to keep him entertained! Except this time, Charley hung out there with me and watched Frozen while pretending to do air squats... she's seriously the best! Anyways, long story short, I'm feeling inspired and motivated to be back in the gym at home, and to have the opportunity to take the better care of my body that it so deserves. It really is incredible to me the direct link that exists between being physically fit and mentally fit. I truly believe that both can suffer immensely if either are not in line. Today was a positive step in the right direction for me to getting back on track with being physically fit, which I know will positively impact my mental strength as well. We all know that it takes a lot of mental strength to be a happy and patient momma!! <3

Throwin it back... August Events!

This summer was a very busy one for our families. My sister and I were both planning our weddings and each others bachelorette parties, which was a TON of fun, but also a lot of work. Somehow we managed, and are still great friends after it all.. haha. I wanted to share some of the fun moments from my bachelorette weekend in Tahoe, to purchasing our house the week after in the beginning of August, to our wedding day on August 30th, 2014, which also happened to be Bryan's 28th birthday. I think I heard a few people refer to our wedding as Bryan's birthday party disguised as a wedding! I will post a separate entry on our wedding, since it deserves its own attention. Here is my bachelorette weekend!! Last weekend as a "single" lady... which really does not actually apply, considering I have been living with Bryan and raising our two children for the past several years with him. I don't know how much more "attached" you can be than that, but I still deserved a good weekend of fun with my girls!

Some fun moments from my bachelorette weekend in Tahoe, at my family's beautiful new home in the Tahoe Keys:

1st day shortly after arrival, getting ready for the 1st night's shenanigans!

Posing on the beach in front of our house!
My sister created a bunch of cut-outs of my face, which the girls wore out all weekend over their faces. This was fun and very entertaining ! 

Naughty barbie cake ! 

Making the most out of our male entertainment.... haha
My sissy, the ultimate bach party host!  
Out boating on the lake for the day! My dad was the captain. YES - my dad was invited to my bachelorette party weekend. Lucky guy! 

Warming up for our panty races on the beach. The neighbors were amused, to say the least! 

Me and my best friend Riley, since we were 3! She's next!! 
Laura & I before a day of boating!
My sis had lots of goodies for when we arrived! 
Jennea and I out on the lake =) 
After we got home from the bach party weekend in Tahoe... Bryan and I moved into our new home in Willow Glen (we had 3 days to get it done before he took off to his dirt bike bachelor weekend). This was a very special time for us, and we are so in love with our new home!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Exercise during THIS pregnancy...

I had mentioned before that my energy had not been as plentiful as it was while I was pregnant with both Jackson & Charley. I have had to really push to motivate myself to get my exercise in. When I say exercise, I mean lifting weights, and doing more than just getting my normal daily walks in. I love walking, and will walk the kids to downtown or to the park at least once per day. It's better than nothin', right!? Lately, workout DVDs have been my friend! I have enjoyed the shortened version of P90X, P90X3, which only takes 30 minutes to complete and is not as strenuous (for me), and Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix workouts. Honestly... I don't think that these would have given me a great workout pre-workout with the heavy lifting and intense cardio I was doing, but for now, these are awesome!

This morning's workout was P90X3 Eccentric Lower.
It includes: squats, lunges, sumos, pistol squats, side kicks, front kicks, albanian squats, abductor lunge, cross reaches, TT plus, bridge kicks, hip flexor kicks, and calf dogs.

I used two 10 pound dumbbells. To be honest, I should and could have stepped it up with a little heavier weight, but I'll just pat myself on the back for getting through this one without taking any breaks!

I also get an extra abdominal workout when I have these two munchkins rolling around on the floor, trying to imitate what I'm doing.... ! I love it! I think they will definitely be into fitness when they grow up!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Changing my status to Mama of THREE!

I cannot believe how much has changed in ONE YEAR! When looking back at my blog, it really has been just about exactly one year since I logged in and wrote anything. I guess you can say I've been a busy lady, new wife, and mommy as of late. Jackson and Charley consume my every waking moment, and a LOT has gone down. 

Bryan and I found out that we were expecting baby number 3 shortly after our Wedding in August, while moving into our new home, and since then time has been flying by. (PS - we bought and moved into a new home about three weeks before our wedding!!) I started my fitness transformation last November (2013), and was going full force, super committed to a healthy lifestyle with a new way of eating and exercising. I will admit that the stress and hard work of planning a wedding on top of everything else that was happening in our lives made it more difficult for me to stick to my "plan," but I did a pretty damn good job up until my wedding. 

Once I found out I was pregnant with baby number 3, I have to admit it became very hard for me to keep up with the exercise and diet regimen I had been following. With my precious pregnancies, I had a lot more energy and seemed to be much more motivated, and this time has been a lot different. I have been struggling with not feeling so well most days, and my energy has been quite low. On good days I will do 20 minutes of exercise at home (dumbbells, workout videos), and walk Jackson to and from school, which is about 3 miles total. The hardest part of this all has been not being so HARD on myself... ! That has proven to be quite the challenge, as I am very aware that I am my own biggest critic! I am now approaching the half way mark of my pregnancy (20 weeks on Tuesday), and I am finally starting to feel more relaxed and less stressed about the changes in my body, and am allowing myself to just lounge and relax when my other kiddos nap. I am pretty sure my body and mind need this extra rest while we can get it! 

I am super excited to close 2014 with lots of happy and exciting news, and to head into 2015 with an open mind and heart full of joy for the happiness that expanding our family has brought to me. I intend to keep up with my blog, and will most definitely be logging my next "transformation" from pregnant mommy of 2 to tired mommy of THREE UNDER THREE! That's right! We are slightly crazy over here in the Merk household!! 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hey guys!! SO - I've realized lately that the only things I really post about are my family… mainly my kids. Obviously my children are my world, and I love to talk about them and share about how they are doing. That being said, Charley is now a little over 6 months, and Jackson is coming up on 18 months! For the first time since they've been born, I have really been going out of my way to make some extra time for me and my goals.

Lately, that goal has been to challenge myself physically, and to invest more time and energy into getting fit and being healthy. For a long time I have wanted to get fit…. I'm not talking lose 10 pounds here… I'm talking gain muscle and be in tip top shape… get ripped! A lot of my friends/acquaintances have been training for bikini competitions, and lately that has totally caught my interest. I thought to myself: "Man, I wish I could do that." Then it came to me…. well why can't I? I love a challenge and to have a goal to work towards… so I enlisted the help of a coach. Today is day 6 of my new fitness journey, and I am very excited about what's to come! I am committed to a 12 week program that combines diet and exercise, and my coach will be switching up my meals and workouts every couple of weeks. 

I am not yet ready to post my "before" pictures…. but by the end of these 12 weeks I think I will be able to share them to show the progress I've made. So far I am feeling GREAT… super energized, determined, and lighter (even if only by 1.5 pounds… it's something right?) I currently am doing fasted cardio 5 mornings per week for 50 minutes, and weight training 3-4 days per week. My diet has also been cleaned up quite a bit, and I have began meal prepping for the first time in my life. Can I just say how amazing is it to have lunch and dinner ready to go, and not have to put any thought into it? I LOVE the convenience of them… especially when I am scrambling to make hubby and kids meals. 

Below is an example of one of my leg workouts, and also a photo of me in my new LuluLemon outfit that I treated myself to as a tribute/cheers to my new fitness journey!!! CHEERS! Let the next 12 weeks be kind and life-changing for me!