Charley & Mama

Charley & Mama

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's in a name.....

Well - we are quickly approaching February, which means we are getting VERY close to June.... which means the new baby girl will be here in just FOUR SHORT MONTHS! I still can't believe it when I say it out loud. Bryan and I are still adjusting to life with baby Jackson. He is a wonderful, amazingly cute, precocious, sweet, loving little angel.... 99% of the time. He has been going through the teething phase lately, and while he has handled it ever so graciously most of the time, last night was a new experience for us. We saw a side of Jackson that we had never seen before.... it was head-spinning, exorcist-like craziness. The kid must have been in so much pain - screaming, crying, laughing, biting, throwing himself around.... ! All I can say is poor baby - and damn I'm tired today. BUT we made it through last night, and I'm sure we will have many more of those to come. Aside from the teething, Jackson is doing so well, and is such a bright and happy little man. Since we have been so busy with him, my pregnancy has been flying by right before my eyes. 

This week marks 23 weeks.... headed into 24. I have been feeling great and healthy, and have had practically no sickness.... just some exhaustion. Work, school, and Jackson have all kept me pretty busy and preoccupied, which actually is great. It was agonizing sitting around and counting down the days to wait for little Jacksy to get here!

Now that we are at about 6 months, and have had some time to think, we have decided on a name. I have always loved this name and known I wanted to use it for one of my babies, but had been a little unsure on the spelling. I had originally thought of spelling it Charleigh - but then thought maybe it would be too complicated for a little girl to spell, and then people would always butcher it when pronouncing it and spelling it. And then what if people call her Sir on the phone because they automatically assume Charley is a man?! Well.... CharlEY makes it a little more feminine than CharlIE, but is not as complicated as CharLEIGH. Thus we have.......


a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl angel.... and we can't wait to meet her! So there it is! Charley!!! <3

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