Charley & Mama

Charley & Mama

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Going on 33 weeks and back from Hawaii!

Well... the time definitely flies when you are having fun... haha! I will say that my doctor (Sarah Azad) had "warned" me that when Jackson got to be about 9 months, Bryan and I might start second-guessing our decision to have a second baby so soon. I WON'T say that we are second-guessing anything - because we are so excited and thrilled to have little Charley coming soon - but we are definitely beginning to see how much work having the little man really is.... he's so active and curious and fun and exploring everything! He's at the stage where he just wants to constantly be on the go - he does not want to sit - yet he is not yet fully crawling or walking. He has his army crawl and his roll down to a t, and somehow is capable of moving from point A to point B in the blink of an eye. Can't turn your back on the little one for more than a second! He is having so much fun, and has been such a great, loving baby.

We took our first family vacation together to Kaanapali, Maui, and it was a blast. Jackson spent most of his time floating in the pools at our condo, and on nice long beach walks with his mom and dad. Turns out Jacksy is a pretty great traveller, and does pretty well on an airplane (he must remember flying to London at 8 weeks for his auntie's graduation!).

I had my 32 week check-up for Charley yesterday, and all is well. We are all registered and ready to go for round 2 at El Camino Hospital. Dr. Azad informed me that labor this time will likely be pretty fast, not only because it is my second pregnancy, but because my pregnancies have been so close together - my uterus is still in "go" mode - SO that's exciting! I asked her if she thought little Charley would be early, and she said it's hard to tell just yet, but that we can "negotiate" that as we get closer! Of course I have been dissecting that comment in my mind since she said it..... !!! Haha!

My weight gain is on track - in fact I have gained the same amount of weight that I did with the first pregnancy - except I gained all of it up front last time, and just started packing it on this time. Looks like I will probably be in the 30-35 range again this time, which I am OK with.... I just can't wait to meet my Charley girl, and give my body a well-deserved break! Being pregnant for practically two years in a row has not been the easiest task, but I think I have managed pretty well!

In a nutshell.... Bryan, Jackson, Charley, and I are all healthy and doing well! We are getting excited for the warmer weather and summer to get here, and of course for little Charley babe to arrive as well. My mom and sister are throwing a baby shower for Charley in a couple weeks.... and I think once we get through that, things will be moving a lot more quickly! She will be here before we know it!!



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